Published: 10/04/18 | Revised: 03/27/2019

Will I learn nutrition working at a Vitamin store? If I know my stuff will I make a lot?
I'm not intending to job shame (researching a current fit is ideal) – consider online websites (where current/former employees provide a rating and review). I remember my high school days (job search: gym and vitamin store). Now, bear in mind, we all have a perception of something…but sometimes, we must experience it to really know.
What to consider before applying – simply, are you over or under-qualified?
If under-qualified and don’t know much about nutrition…you may be a fit.
As a side benefit, it may allow you to learn: supplements / nutrition.
Some franchises make it a requirement to review scientific literature.
Disadvantages: a decent wage per-week requires time (negotiation) -- time is needed to learn and understand the science aspect of nutrition (herbal constituents & ergogenics) / exercise (bodybuilding). Matter a fact, it may take 2-3 years just to understand scientific terms and etc.
For instance, consumers will come in w/ various questions (and they expect the sales know ABCD).
Some employees report: "I'm over-worked from reading studies, stocking, and etc. I am under paid!"
A sales associate will need to learn…
+ Nutrition / exercise science and
+ proper ways to articulate and convince consumers to buy products.
Keep in mind, usually, an employee is a sales person first…
and sales experience is (most important).
The more nutrition knowledge means I'll get hired instantly?
That's a common misconception - actually, the more nutrition / exercise knowledge doesn’t guarantee a position. Because…that would require an employer to pay a higher wage. Companies are competitive and would rather pay a less qualified person to do a job – furthermore, behind the scenes, people are competing for status (and that includes pay); no manager would hire someone to replace them (unless it's mutually beneficial) - there's a certain level of manipulation and control. Sometimes, a store manager will conduct an inside search before scouting externally - simply, a store manager will hire a friend-of-a-friend.

There may be high turnover…
There are certain practices that go on, and I warn young men / women and/or people in general – you will not be young forever. Also, once an employee reaches a certain level of experience (2-3 years active in whatever position). Keep in mind, his/her time maybe limited…and eventually, someone (who's less experienced) may act as a replacement.
The boss (or whoever in charge) will create a dismal environment:
- reducing hours (or creating a hustle environment).
So, when an employee/s states: "I am not valued." I believe there's validity to that..which is unfortunate.
No college education is required…
Some stores do not require a college education…so, anyone can apply.
It’s OK to live in the moment but evolve – be happy…
Personally, I learned to grow and evolve…some jobs pretend to promote just that – so, I learned to take notes: see what’s a fit for me at that moment and later in time. Don’t expect others to put your puzzle together.